Garrison Keillor
Important Warning!
Garrison Keillor is dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.
I was attacked by him in 2006 and have been dealing with the devastating impact on my life ever since. I am sharing as much as I can in order to warn others.
He is able, in ways that are not fully understood, to penetrate the energy field of people so as to cause them harm. It is something like a psychic attack but it goes much further. He feeds off of people's energy, drains them, eventually making them sick, physically and mentally. At this time, I know of no way of removing him if he gains access to your energy field.
He sees people—especially women and children—as prey.
Do everything possible to avoid being in his presence. Keep him away from children altogether.
See the sections below for more information.
- eBook Description of My Experience
- Video Explanation of Energetic Attachment
- Another Perspective—Guidance From a Friend
- Email Spoofing and Content Theft
- If You'd Like to Help ...
eBook Description Of My Experience
In 2017, I wrote this eBook describing what happened to me and, somewhat hesitantly, published it on Amazon and emailed it to several people I knew in common with Garrison Keillor, hoping to warn them.
My intentions were to place the "perpetrator" front and center in the hopes that the exposure would free me (it didn't) and simultaneously to avoid any hint of victimhood, as I felt victim energy would only weaken me and strengthen him. I tried to understand these events from the highest, most positive viewpoint possible.
“One night in May, 2006, a presence shot down through my bedroom ceiling, landed on top of me, and assaulted me. The energy was a combination of hatred and lust. By the following night, and after a terror-filled trip to the emergency room, it was clear to me that the presence was in my energy field. I could feel it shifting, adjusting, as if trying to find a comfortable position. My vision and hearing were oddly affected and eventually, I began hearing an aggressive internal voice.The voice identified itself as someone I used to know and with whom I'd had a falling out: Garrison Keillor. Thinking this can't be possible, I begin searching for some other explanation. Is this an eruption of some traumatic past-life material? Is this a splintering of my own consciousness? Meanwhile, Garrison begins talking to me about himself, telling me, among other things, that he's done this sort of thing to people all his life and that I'll never get free. And taunting me, telling me that if I don't like it, I can call the police.
This memoir details my struggle to survive the daily assault upon my consciousness and body by something that claims to be a living person, and how I lost everything, eventually becoming homeless. Through this now eighteen-year ordeal, I've been able to draw strength from my trust in God ("don't lose faith," I'd been told, "joy will come") and my belief that this very difficult passage may have something to teach.
My story, I hope, will also raise an important question: Are there people among us who, by way of energetic entanglement, are able to remotely manipulate our thoughts and emotions while also draining us of life force, opening us up to various forms of illness, both mental and physical? Who live and work among us and yet whose destructive actions go undetected? The answer, I've come to believe, is yes.
Video Explanation of Energetic Attachment
Note that this explanation was the best I could give at the time I made this video. There is still much that I don't understand about how this works, how it's even possible. However, I no longer believe this to be a form of astral traveling, but more likely an aspect of the etheric body.
Another Perspective—Guidance From A Friend
In 2007, I turned to a friend with some concerns I had that Garrison Keillor was also spreading false rumors about me to others, possibly even contacting my workplace. She was able to tune into her guidance and the following came through, which she emailed to me. I've changed her name to protect her privacy. A photocopy of the entire email is included in the eBook.
“Sophia: I asked for any clarity or insight into the feelings/fears you’ve been having about Garrison, and heard/felt the following:Guidance: She feels this continuing presence of Garrison in her life and she is right.
Sophia: Does he exist in her mind/memory/spirit only?
Guidance: No. He is mad and trying to get at her.
Sophia: And has he succeeded in the past in the world?
Guidance: : Yes he has. He has written to those who know her and dissed her character.
Sophia: Has he used her internet materials?
Guidance: No. He invented his own and ascribed them to her. In his mind they are indeed hers, but she neither wrote nor thought them, nor would she will them to be even in the privacy of her own mind.
Sophia: And then did he take steps to impart them to others known to Elizabeth?
Guidance: He did.
Sophia: How did he do this?
Guidance: Through the U.S. mails.
Sophia: And was he successful?
Guidance: Yes.
Sophia: Is there anything she can do about this now?
Guidance: She can pray for forgiveness for him. Over time, this has an effect.
Sophia: Is he still trying to do this sort of thing to her?
Guidance: Yes, though the energy with which he has pursued it in the past has been taken over by his ill-will/spite towards some newer woman in his life. He mixes Elizabeth with this new woman’s presence in the back of his mind, but he is consciously fixed almost exclusively on the new name/being.
Sophia: Poor woman.
Guidance: Yes. (Something about …. dangerous)
Sophia: So does Elizabeth have to worry about continued spite manifesting in her life?
Guidance: Yes. This sort of spite is always dangerous. Especially because Garrison considers women to be his natural victims — natural prey who cannot fight back. He saw a lot of this in his youth and it is also his weakness. He cannot forsee how a woman would/could “fight back” because he has never “seen it” meaning “admitted that it can happen.”
However — and this is a warning — this is a man who FEEDS on war. It makes him hungrier, more devouring, stronger. DO NOT feed his lust for struggle and blood, Elizabeth.
We pray that you “fight” him with weapons of which he is not even aware: the “weapons” of peace, blessing and open heart.
We do not, of course, ask you to forgive him for what he has done and you have participated in. We ask you rather to forgive yourself for being caught in this ancient set-up. And we ask you to forgive yourself for worrying about it now, which seems after-the-fact to you, though all events occur in the now.
This “forgiveness” of yourself and your participation in this ancient battle does nothing more than level the field between you. It enables you to make the next steps which are blessing (him and the impulse within you to scream, to hate and to fight as your world fights), peace, and calm. Control your own soul and you control the world as you have never known before.
What she has so admirably done with John Yates would be a very appropriate way to de-fang Garrison. We do not mean that she should go see/hear him. This would be dangerous in its re-awakening of his spite directly at her (rather than a bit muffled by his confusion of her with this other woman). But she has sat in his presence enough that she can call him up and she can see the misery within him now if she just directs her mind/spirit to attend to that. She will see him as a being in turmoil (which he reproduces outside of him) and — if the recent past is any guide, be able to turn this insight into (comparative) peace.
We do not expect you to change Garrison in the world. One must participate willingly in order to change. But it will remove the nourishment of her presence in his mind. He will no longer be able to feed on the energy of her anger (this is gone, we realize that) or her fear — which is also a very strong energy, and nourishing to vampires such as he. (Something about sucking our blood — which vampires are reputed to do — being just another expression of sucking one’s life’s blood…)
She should know that she is a very good girl, doing admirable work. These interior revelations of peace and healing will enable her to continue and increase the effectiveness of her work in the world a hundredfold … a thousandfold.
Email Spoofing and Content Theft
Please be aware that Garrison Keillor has emailed people posing as me and, in some cases, engaged with them in ongoing conversations, without their ever knowing (or figuring out too late) that it is not me they are corresponding with. This I have been aware of for some time, which is why I no longer use email for personal correspondence.
It has also recently come to my attention that some of the writings I've published on the Internet in years past have been copied and distributed (in original or modified form) elsewhere without my knowledge or approval and without proper attribution.
In an effort to slow down the theft of my material, I have decided to repost all of the entries from a website I created back in 2009, as well as some other materials he may have lifted.
Please, if you spot any of my material being used elsewhere, I would greatly appreciate your letting me know where you found it.
Likewise, if you know of a blog or social media account posing as me, please let me know. I am not on social media and I don't have a blog. These would be fake sites, again created and maintained by Mr. Keillor.
Mr. Keillor believes that any creative work I produce has actually come from him and therefore belongs to him.
If You'd Like To Help ...
The daily assault on my consciousness and body by Garrison Keillor is still happening and has become even more aggressive since I placed this page on my website. He is demanding I remove it and even offering to "lighten up" on the attacks if I do so.
If you wish to help, a donation is always appreciated and will be held in strict confidence.